Saturday, May 14, 2011

Woo's baby shower?

A few months ago I had the honor to photograph a sweet owl themed baby shower.  It was beautiful.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Spring cleaning.

We've lived in our home for 7 years coming this September.  And over the years I've putt off certain areas of the house such as a hall closet, under my bed, the very top of the kids closets and the dreaded toy collection that grows.  For the last week I decided that's it, enough is enough and have been going through every room.

It's amazing what I had kept.  A lot of preschool projects from Drew, some sweet, some not.  Pictures with friend that I don't see anymore.  Pictures of myself that I don't look like anymore (pre-babies.)  I am almost done and we are having a big garage sale this weekend to celebrate.  It feels really good and it seems that we have added square footage to our house.  *Picture is from Oscar party and children are piled in the boys rooms with toys blankets and all.

After this project is over, I'm gonna tackle our budget.  Feels good to get on track.